Terri speaks with Lenore Skenazy author, speaker, and cofounder of LetGrow.org to discuss the why and how of bringing independence, competence, and courage back to our lives.
Erin Loechner, author of "The Opt-Out Family," shares personal perspective and suggestions for how to give your kids what technology can't.
Terri introduces Jonathon Haidt's best-selling book on technology's impact on the mental health of adolescents.
While educational philosophies, policies, and methodologies are endless, one thing remains...there is no one way of learning that fits everyone. History finds us coming full circle with parent bringing primary learning and c...
Dane White, Mayor of Escondido, CA, tells his story of a rocky road to finding his element and the power of patience, perseverance, purpose, and people to find your moral compass.
Terri continues the conversation with Ned on what we can do to reverse the trend of anxiety and learned helplessness.
We are wired to care. Care about ourselves, our learning, and each other. Ned Johnson, co-author of The Self-Driven Child, shares his experience and views on why we are becoming an uncaring society.
Casey O'Roarty of Sproutable discusses adolescents and smartphones.
Meet young high school students who share how their natural love of learning remains alive through a personalized learning journey.
Ken Danford, author of Learning is Natural; School is Optional and co-founder of North Star, a center for teen learners shares his story and insight on self-directed learning.
While rigorous learning requires challenge, it doesn't have to be painful. Two high school students share their experience transitioning from meaningless to meaningful learning. https://realitychangers.org/
Part 2: John Ratey, MD, best-selling author and doctor of psychiatry, shares common everyday practices that bring a natural sense of well-being. Show Notes: Healthy Habits Inventory
John Ratey, MD, best-selling author and doctor of psychiatry, shares common every day practices that bring a natural sense of well-being.
Personal leadership for success and happiness requires personal accountability. Stryder Spillane, CEO of Leader Prep, explains the crucial step of problem-solving – owning the situation.
They say life is no picnic...but what if it was? What if every day we scheduled time for ourselves to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate? Discover how a new mindset and habits can lead to better results with less work. This is t...
Imagine your children waking each day, knowing what they are going to do and how they need to go about doing it. You've prepared them and the environment so well, they hum along in their work driven by curiosity and fueled by discovery. They tackle the “boring stuff” with patience and overcome cha…
Follow your heart, use your head, trust your gut. Which is a person to do? The neuroscience behind mBraining and Multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBiT) tells us to do them all. A discussion with Lisa Blackett, certified mBIT coach and trainer, tells us how.
What do you want more of? Terri speaks with Connor Swenson about the Make Time framework for how to focus on what matters every day.
Scott Schimmel, Founder, and CEO of You School walks us through the process of identifying what success looks like and explains why it is different for everyone. "Where do you go to figure yourself out?"
Dr. Yong Zhao, award winner and author of hundreds of articles and thirty books on education, talks about the need for a new paradigm for assessment, technology, and the purpose of education.
Play is self-determined learning at its best, Peter Gray author of Free to Learn states, nature does not turn off our desire and capacity to learn when children turn five or six, we turn it off with our coercive system of schooling. In this episode, Terri speaks with Dr. Gray on the history and val…
More and more research is showing there is a correlation between play deprivation and depression. Dr. Stuart Brown, who we will hear today is the founder of the National Institute for Play, and the author of the national best...
Imagine spending time on what you care about using your observation of others as not only motivation but as an actual learning resource. Today is part four of four on making learning personal. Mike Wehmeyer, co-author of the 2020 book titled, Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners, s…
Imagine a household of independent, self-determined and cooperative beings, where everyone understands their role and embraces it with pride. Today, we hear from three working mothers, one of them widowed, all of whom have multiple children with different learning styles and power traits, and whose…