Learning As Fountain Not a Drain- Dr. Young Zhao
Dr. Yong Zhao, award winner and author of hundreds of articles and thirty books on education, talks about the need for a new paradigm for assessment, technology, and the purpose of education.
Dr. Yong Zhao, award winner and author of hundreds of articles and thirty books on education, talks about the need for a new paradigm for assessment, technology, and the purpose of education.
Play is self-determined learning at its best, Peter Gray author of Free to Learn states, nature does not turn off our desire and capacity to learn when children turn five or six, we turn it off with our coercive system of schooling. In this episode, Terri speaks with Dr. Gray…
Connor Swenson discusses the Make Time Framework to manage the forces that compete for our time.
More and more research is showing there is a correlation between play deprivation and depression. Dr. Stuart Brown, who we will hear today is the founder of the National Institute for Play, and the author of the national best-selling book Play, How It Shapes the Brain Opens the Imagination, and…
Imagine spending time on what you care about using your observation of others as not only motivation but as an actual learning resource. Today is part four of four on making learning personal. Mike Wehmeyer, co-author of the 2020 book titled, Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners, shares with us…
Imagine a household of independent, self-determined and cooperative beings, where everyone understands their role and embraces it with pride. Today, we hear from three working mothers, one of them widowed, all of whom have multiple children with different learning styles and power traits, and whose children have engaged in multiple…
Imagine working and learning where you feel safe, comfortable, and inspired. Having the freedom, the insight, and the courage to design a place to do your best learning and work. A place, where you will lose track of time, dive deeper into your task with no desire to make excuses…
Imagine paving your own path for learning and professional development, the freedom to determine your own learning objectives, resources, and work products. This month, Terri's focus is on the personalized learning plan.
Imagine looking at the members of your family, your team, your workplace, and feeling a sense of appreciation, recognizing them for their uniqueness. Imagine the sense of pride that comes from recognizing your own uniqueness, how you think, what makes you tick, what you have to offer others.
Today we talk with Dr. William Stixrud, a clinical neuropsychologist and faculty member at Children's National and George Washington University School of Medicine, as well as the author of the book, The Self-driven Child in his book, which runs the gamut on topics related to child development, such as technology,…
Imagine the important relationships in your life like family, friends, and colleagues, being peaceful, open, trusting, and cooperative. Feeling understood, and understanding others. Feeling respect. Today we hear from Lois Ingber, licensed clinical social worker and certified trainer for Positive Discipline, who shares with us how a focus on our…
Imagine feeling smart, balanced, important, and connected. Executive Functioning-You’ve Got the Power is part one of four on connection is key. Last month, Terri introduced the concept of finding your element and talked a lot about the importance of self-worth and mindset and how what we know and how we…
While the path to your element is not always smooth, it is the rocky points that have the potential to bring out our best. Before we can help our children, our students, and others, we need to get ourselves on the right path first. And then we can walk the…
Terri speaks with Rick and Laura Sylvester about how and why they created a program of support dogs for children with special needs, especially keeping their son in mind, who has been diagnosed with non-verbal autism.
Earl Otte, Montessori educator, shares his story of the many paths it took for him to get to a place where work is play and he experiences joy on a daily basis.
On the Element is Everything podcast, Terri Novacek connects with educators, parents, researchers, and authors to share, debate, and collaborate strategies for today to prepare for health, wealth, and happiness tomorrow. Each month Terri and the team will focus on a different topic as it relates to beliefs and behaviors…
Use your head, follow your heart, trust your gut...learn how integrating your cephalic (head), cardiac (heart), and enteric (gut) brains can heighten personal development, performance, and decision-making. Terri Novacek, Certified mBIT Coach Catherine Drown, Certified mBIT Coach
Dimensions Collaborative School Digital Open House